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Academic Achievement via Character Education EXCEL NY GROUP INC 譯修補習中心

About EXCELAcademic Achievement via Character Education
Our commitment to helping our students achieve their full potential drives us to continually seek out constructive and beneficial methods to support their growth and development.

GOOD MANNER can open the doors that BEST EDUCATION cannot.”-Clarence Thomas.

At EXCEL, we are committed to providing personalized tutoring services that help students achieve academic excellence in a safe and positive learning environment. We believe that developing positive character traits is just as important as academic success. Our team of highly qualified tutors is dedicated to helping students of all abilities broaden their horizons and acquire new knowledge and learning skills. We are passionate about ensuring that every student who comes to us benefits from a first-rate learning experience that inspires and motivates them to achieve their full potential. If you want to give your child the gift of an exceptional education, we are here to help transform their academic journey and make it one that is enriching, fulfilling, and successful.

譯修補習中心創业十五年, 历史悠久, 信誉良好, 口碑佳, 为许多华人子弟在学习程度上提升出优越成绩效果. 课室每天保持整洁和衛生安全, 環境舒适. 中心老师们教学经验丰富, 教導認真嚴格, 耐心輔導各项科目. 每位学生应材施教, 同时以嚴教導学生学习个人礼仪, 保持良好自律操行而声名远播, 深受学生家长们的愛戴,支持和极力推荐. 本中心提供小班制度, 学生们可选在中心课室內上课学习或远程上网课辅導各项课程. 欢迎報名/查询.

Captured in a metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia primary school, this photograph depicts a typical classroom scene, where an audience of school children were seated on the floor before a teacher at the front of the room, who was reading an illustrated storybook, during one of the scheduled classroom sessions. Assisting the instructor were two female students to her left, and a male student on her right, who was holding up the book, while the seated classmates were raising their hands to answer questions related
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